This code creates an HTML live editor that allows the user to input HTML code and preview the output in real-time. Here is a step by step explanation of the code:

The first line specifies the document type as HTML.
The <html> tag denotes the start of an HTML document.
The <head> tag contains meta information about the document, such as the title which is "Redeem_Tech-Editor"
Inside the head tag a style tag is used and .container{display: flex;flex-direction: row;} is used to define a class for the parent container. It sets the display to flex and flex-direction to row, this is used to split the display for html-input and html-preview into two equal parts.
#html-input, #html-preview {width: 55%;} is used to define classes for the input and preview elements, it sets the width of both the elements to 55%.
The <body> tag contains the visible content of the document.
Inside the body, <h1>HTML Live Editor</h1> is used to create a heading with text "HTML Live Editor"
<div class="container"> is used to define a container with class 'container' which is defined in the stylesheet
Inside the container, a <textarea> element is created with an id "html-input" and some attributes like size, rows, cols, and font-size.
A <div> element is created with an id "html-preview" and some attributes like font-size which is used to hold the live preview of the HTML code.
<legend> is used to create a caption for the html-preview div, it also contains a button with text "Run" which will run the code and update the preview.
In the script section, const htmlInput = document.getElementById('html-input'); is used to get the reference of the textarea element and store it in a variable htmlInput
const htmlPreview = document.getElementById('html-preview'); is used to get the reference of the preview div and store it in a variable htmlPreview
function updatePreview() is used to define a function that updates the

            <!DOCTYPE html>
    /* Define a class for the parent container */
    .container {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: row;

    /* Define classes for the input and preview elements */
    #html-input, #html-preview {
      width: 55%;
<body align = "left">

<h1>HTML Live Editor</h1>

<div class="container">
  <!-- Create a textarea element for the user to input HTML code -->
  <textarea id="html-input" size = "200" rows="30" cols="80" style="font-size: 18px;"></textarea>

  <!-- Create a div to hold the live preview of the HTML code -->
  <legend><div id="html-preview" style="font-size: 18px;"></div><legend><big>OUTPUT</big></legend></legend>

<br><button onclick="updatePreview()"><big>Run</big></button></br>

  // Get references to the textarea and preview div
  const htmlInput = document.getElementById('html-input');
  const htmlPreview = document.getElementById('html-preview');

  // Define a function to update the live preview
  function updatePreview() {
    // Set the innerHTML of the preview div to the value of the textarea
    htmlPreview.innerHTML = htmlInput.value;


                                          TEXT EDITOR


Text editors are commonly used by programmers and developers to write and edit code. They offer features such as syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and error checking that make it easier to write and debug code. Some popular text editors for coding and programming include Atom, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code. These text editors are highly configurable, allowing developers to customize their work environment to suit their specific needs. Additionally, many text editors have built-in support for version control systems like Git, making it easy for developers to collaborate and manage their code.